After years of keeping quite 39 years old Ricky Martin break his silence and proudly announce to the public that he is a gay.. Whew! Martin said on his official web site that he is a fortunate homosexual man though he takes this as blessings. As I remember humored started during Livin' La Vida Loca era where most of the fallowers are gay. On that time Ricky denied about the controversy and said the rumor is caused by people who do nothing in their lives. But after hearing the confirmation on Martins lips I can tell those paparazzi after all are rights.
In fairness to Ricky Martin I know this kinda thing is hard to admit, it may affect somehow on his life especially in his public relation. But Martin said years of silence made him stronger as he learn to accept the truth and that truth give him the power to conquer his emotional problem. I salute you with that Martin I know your facing life difficulties right now but always remember all of this has a reason.